Minutes and related documents
On 30 June, 2024 the EITI MSG approved 2023-2024 EITI Armenia Work plan implementation report and EITI Annual Progress Report for 2023.
EITI Annual Progress Report for 2023 (in Armenian)
2023-2024 EITI Armenia Work plan implementation report
On 28 March 2024 the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which MSG adopted a list of decisions on issues related to the EITI implementation in Armenia and approved documents.
March 28, 2024 MSG meeting minute (word, pdf)
June 3, 2024 MSG meeting decisions (in Armenian) (word, excel)
EITI Armenia MSG's feedback on 2nd Validation Preliminary Assessment Report
On 29 June 2023 the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which MSG adopted a list of decisions on issues related to the EITI implementation in Armenia and approved documents.
June 29, 2023 MSG meeting minute (word, pdf)
Amendments to EITI Armenia MSG ToR
MSG's announcement on the issue of holding MSG in person meetings
1st and 2nd Semi-annual Progress Reports of EITI Implementation
2021-2022 EITI Armenia Work plan implementation report
2023-2024 EITI Armenia Work plan and National Priorities
EITI Armenia 2nd Validation templates (approved by the MSG on 29 June, 2023)
On 22 December 2022 EITI Armenia published MSG appreved 4th national EITI Report of Armenia presenting 2020-2021 reporting years.
On 27 April 2022 the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which MSG approved the ToR for Independent Administrator for 4th EITI Report of Armenia, adopted a list of decisions defining the scope of the 4nd EITI Report of Armenia, approved 2022 revised EITI Armenia Work Plan. MSG discussed a list of issues related to the EITI implementation in Armenia.
April 27, 2022 MSG meeting minute (word, pdf)
List of mining companies for 2020-2021 EITI reporting.
On December 7, 2020, the EITI MSG of Armenia electronically approved the 2019 EITI Annual Progress Report of Armenia, which includes the implementation of 2019 Work plan, EITI Armenia's quarterly Progress Reports for 4Q 2019, 1Q, 2Q and 3Q 2020, and the revised EITI Work plan for 2020 (the Work plan was revised in August, 2020).
On September 11, 2020, the EITI MSG of Armenia electronically approved the 2018 EITI Report of Armenia.
On November 7, 2019, within the scope of Armenia's first validation mission, the EITI MSG meeting was held, during which the EITI International Secretariat validation group presented the validation process and upcoming steps and activities to the members of the Armenian MSG, and issues that needed further clarification after the validation meetings with stakeholders were discussed. The civil society costituency of the MSG presented the new members and alternate members of the MSG's Civil Society constituency.
November 7, 2019 MSG meeting minute (in Armenian) (word, pdf)
On 5 September 2019, the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which the MSG members approved the First and Second Quarterly Reports of 2019 on the implementation of EITI in Armenia, the amendments to the 2018 Annual Report, the amendments to the EITI MSGʼs Terms of Reference, the Concept Paper “The Approach of the MSG of EITI Armenia to Responsible Mining”. MSG discussed a list of issues related to preparation of the and EITI Report, the scope of the Scoping Study and system of Beneficial Disclosure Owners.
September 5, 2019 MSG meeting minute (in English) (word, pdf)
On 16 April 2019, the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which the MSG members approved the ToR for Independent Administrator for 2nd EITI Report of Armenia, adopted a list of decisions defining the scope of the 2nd EITI Report of Armenia, approved 2018 4th Quarter EITI Progress Report, implementation of EITIʼs 2018 Work Plan and the definition and scope of the Responsible mining of EITI Armenia. MSG discussed a list of issues related to ToR of the Scoping Study of the 2nd EITI Report of Armenia.
April 16, 2019 MSG meeting minute (in English) (word, pdf)
On 05 December 2018, the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which the MSG members approved Armeniaʼs 2018 National Report, 2018 3rd Quarter EITI Progress Report, RA EITIʼs 2019-2020 National Priorities; Presentation of RA EITIʼs 2019-2020 Work Plan 2018 and the Roadmap of the Introduction of Responisble Mining Practices.
December 05, 2018 MSG meeting minute (in English) (word,pdf)
2019-2020 EITI National Priorities
2019-2020 EITI Work Plan of Armenia
The Roadmap of the Introduction of Responsible Mining Practices
On 31 July 2018, the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which the MSG members approved 2018 1st and 2nd Quarter EITI Progress Reports.
July 31, 2018 MSG meeting minute (in English) (word, pdf)
2018 1st and 2nd Quarter EITI Progress Reports
On 27 March 2018, the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which the MSG members approved 2017 4th Quarter EITI Progress Report, implementation of the EITI Work Plan for 2017, reviewed 2018 EITI Work Plan for 2018, the EITI Scoping Study of Armenia, the Independent Administrator’s ToR for the EITI Report of Armenia, several decisions were made on issues set forth in the EITI Standard.
March 27, 2018 MSG meeting minute (in English) (word, pdf)
2017 4th Quarter EITI Progress Report
2017 implementation of the EITI Work Plan of Armenia
Reviewed 2018 EITI Work Plan of Armenia
On 6 December, 2017, the EITI MSG meeting was held, at which the MSG members and consultants discussed the Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Roadmap of the Republic of Armenia, the MSG approved the EITI Open Data Policy of Armenia and the 2017 3rd quarter EITI Progress Report.
December 6, 2017 MSG meeting minute (in English) (word, pdf)
2017 3th Quarter EITI Progress Report
EITI Open Data Policy of Armenia (word, pdf)
On 10 October and 17 October, 2017 in the Government of Armenia the EITI MSG working meetings were held, during which the MSG and the consultants discussed list of issues regarding the presented first draft of the Scoping Study for the EITI Report of the Republic of Armenia.
October 10, 2017 MSG working meeting minute (in Armenian) (word, pdf)
October 17, 2017 MSG working meeting minute (in Armenian) (word, pdf)
On 18 July, 2017 in the American University of Armenia was held the EITI MSG meeting, at which the "Support to Enhance Armenia's Capacity to Implement Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and to Increase Transparency and Accountability in Mining Licenses and Contracts" Project was launched, the MSG approved the 2017 2nd quarter EITI progress report and the schedule of EITI activities for August-October.
July 18, 2017 MSG meeting minute (in Armenian) (word, pdf)
2017 2nd Quarter EITI Progress Report
Schedule of the EITI activities in August-October, 2017 (in Armenian) (word, pdf)
On 5 May, 2017 in the Government of Armenia was held the EITI MSG meeting, during which MSG approved the 2017 1st quarter EITI progress report and the schedule of EITI activities for May-July.
May 5, 2017 MSG meeting minute (in Armenian) (word, pdf)
2017 1st Quarter EITI Progress Report
Schedule of the EITI activities in May-July, 2017 and members of the working groups (in Armenian) (word, pdf)
On 26 December, 2016 in the Government of Armenia was held the year-end meeting of the EITI MSG, during which MSG approved the ToR of the EITI MSG of the Republic of Armenia, the 2017-2018 EITI Work Plan the Republic of Armenia, the EITI Candidature Application of the Republic of Armenia.
December 26, 2016 MSG meeting minute (in English) (word, pdf)
On 25 November, 2016 in the Government of Armenia was held the first official meeting of the EITI MSG, which was attended by the representatives of foreign embassies and international donor organizations, other invitees, and representatives of mass media.
November 25, 2016 MSG meeting minute (in English) (word, pdf)
On 27 June, 2016 in the Government of Armenia was held the first meeting of the EITI MSG, during which the MSG agreed on the schedule of upcoming works and EITI candidacy application submission.